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Online Banner Ads / Flash and Animated GIF Advertisement
ROLE: Akos was put in charge to create online advertisement for the company web page using Photoshop, ImageReady and Flash. After creating a guide for company standards of visual elements for these ads, they had to be followed to create a unified company look.
OBJECTIVE: The right bottom corner of the official web site of Analog Devices, Inc. has a spot that rotates up-to-date banner ads to inform visitors about seminars, products or other information of interest. These ads are frequently replaced with new ones after the initial input of the marketing department.
RESULTS: Akos was in charge of creating these online banner ads for a period of two years working with copy writers and editors. The ads were animated, and confirming to dimension-, file size- and layout standards. These banner ads were used to advertise on other related business partner web sites too.